Celebrate the Culture of Rajasthan


A lively and colourful event, the Camel Festival is organised by the Department of Tourism, Rajasthan in Bikaner every year. January is just the right month for a desert spree, and Bikaner just the right place to see the Ships of the Desert. In the camel country Bikaner, these desert leviathans pull heavy cart loads, transport grain and even work at the well lively and colourful event.

Mr. Hanumanmal Arya

It reached to international heights in the toursim industry. In the year 2010, it was also adjudged as the 3rd best festival being celebrated in the month of January worldwide by Lonely Planet. It was really a pride for the India and Bikaner. To give this event a new height of success and world wide popularity, Mr. Hanumanmal Arya (Organizer of Bikaner Camel Festival & Tourism Assist. Director) gives his contribution and support from the bottom of his heart. Mr. Hanumanmal Arya highly educated and achieved M.Com., B.Ed., L.L.B., D.C.L.L., P.G.D.T.H.M. & D.M.E. degrees in his educational career. The Bikaner Camel Festival was upboosted from 2 days to 3 days and also the festival budget was increased from 3 Lacs to 12 Lacs INR in the year 2005. Many competition like Mr. Bikana, Ms. Marwana, Oldest Couple, Foreigners' marriage in dunes, Matka Race, Matka Fod and many more events were added to the camel festival activities by Mr. Arya. It reached to international heights in the toursim industry of India & Rajasthan.